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Цена до

  • Advanced Developing on AWS
    Contact Us 24 800 EUR Read More
  • AZ-2005: Develop AI agents using Azure OpenAI and the Semantic Kernel SDK
    Contact Us 8 300 EUR Read More
  • Developing on AWS
    Contact Us 24 800 EUR Read More
  • Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS
    Contact Us 24 950 EUR Read More
  • Next.js
    Contact Us 36 370 EUR Read More
  • Programming in C
    20.08.2024 30 170 EUR Read More
  • Programming in C ++
    22.07.2024 30 170 EUR Read More
  • TypeScript
    Contact Us 12 136 EUR Read More
  • 55339: Programming in C#
    Contact Us 40 575 EUR Read More
  • 55340: Developing ASP.NET Core Web Applications
    Contact Us 40 575 EUR Read More
  • 55320: Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    Contact Us 40 575 EUR Read More
  • AZ-2002: Develop an ASP.NET Core web app that consumes an API
    27.05.2024 Not Found 300 EUR Read More
  • AZ-2003: Deploy cloud-native apps using Azure Container Apps
    28.05.2024 Not Found 300 EUR Read More
  • AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
    20.10.2024 40 680 EUR Read More
  • HTML5 & CSS3
    30.08.2024 30 300 EUR Read More
  • Basics in JavaScript
    Contact Us 30 300 EUR Read More
  • Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks - SVPN
    Contact Us 40 1440 EUR Read More
  • Node.js & MongoDB
    11.06.2024 30 340 EUR Read More
  • PHP with MYSQL
    Contact Us 30 340 EUR Read More
  • Advanced PHP with MYSQL
    14.10.2024 30 340 EUR Read More
  • Python
    Contact Us 30 300 EUR Read More
  • Advanced Python
    26.08.2024 30 340 EUR Read More
  • React.js
    22.09.2024 30 340 EUR Read More